Watch Tenchi Forever! online for free at HD quality, full-length movie. Watch Tenchi Forever! film online for free. The movie Tenchi Forever! has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this film online. Watch this on the blog. One day, Tenchi disappears in the forest near his house. Six months later, Ayeka and Ryoko locate Tenchi living in a city, but with a mysterious woman. What's more, Tenchi appears to have aged several years. Whenever Ayeka and Ryoko catch up to him, he disappears into thin air, apparently existing in a fabricated alternate dimension where he has no knowledge of his past.

Year: 1999
Genre : Animation, Drama, Fantasy
Runtime: 95 minutes
Release Date: 1999-04-24
Actors : Masami Kikuchi, Ai Orikasa, Yumi Takada, Chisa Yokoyama, Kikuko Inoue